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How to capture silky smooth cloud

Sliky cloud 

You might have seen photos in nature magazines or websites with silky-smooth sky effects cascading over clouds, and trees. Have you also wondered how in the world the photographer was able to capture such beautiful images?
For years I thought these types of images were the purview of professional photographers armed with an arsenal of digital tricks and camera tweaks that I would never be able to learn. But in reality, it’s quite simple to make images like these.
You don’t need any computational wizardry or mystical skills, and once you pick up a few basics you can start creating beautiful smooth-sky photographs in no time at all.
What you need to do that is:
1) limiting the light 
2)Shoot in Manual Mode
3)Shoot in RAW
3)Use a small aperture
4)Use the lowest native ISO value for your camera.
5)Use the slowest shutter speed possible
6)Put your camera on a tripod

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